Agro Industry Business:

AM Hoque Enterprise” has its own Agro Industry. Our agro project has been developed in combination of Own “Feed Mill”, “Fishing Farm”, “Poultry” & “Dairy Farm”. We know also as agribusiness, encompasses the entire spectrum of economic activities related to Agriculture. It involves everything from farming and livestock rearing to processing, distribution, and marketing of agricultural products.

Our Key Components of the Agro Industry:

Primary Sector:

Crop Production: Cultivating various crops like vegetables, fruits etc.

Livestock Farming: Rearing animals such as cattle, poultry, and sheep for meat, milk, and other products.

Fisheries: Aquaculture and fishing to produce fish, shrimp, and other aquatic products.

Secondary Sector:

Agricultural Processing: Converting raw agricultural products into value-added products like processed foods, beverages, and animal feed.

Manufacturing: Producing agricultural machinery, pesticides, and other inputs for farming.


Tertiary Sector:

Distribution: Transporting agricultural products from farms to markets.

Marketing: Promoting and selling agricultural products.

Finance: Providing financial services like loans and insurance to farmers and agribusinesses.

Research and Development: Developing new agricultural technologies and practices.

Our Key Trends in the Agro Industry:


Sustainable Agriculture: A shift towards eco-friendly farming practices to reduce environmental impact.

Precision Agriculture: Using technology to optimize crop yields and resource use.

Organic Farming: Growing crops without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

Vertical Farming: Cultivating crops in vertically stacked layers to maximize space and resource efficiency.

Agritech: Leveraging technology to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability.


The Team

Our Experts

Azizul Hoque

President & CEO

A A Masud Khan

Director & COO

Gazi Mahmud Alam

Director - Development


Committed To Keep People Healthy & Safe

We appreciate you taking the time to go through with the “AM Hoque Enterprise”. This is a great opportunity for us to communicate our services and key competitive strengths to you. We hope and look forward to meeting our clients personally to develop a relationship through one-one interaction shortly. We thank all those who have contributed to the development of “AM Hoque Enterprise”. We thank you for your interest in our Companies and look forward to working with your Reputed Organization.

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